You know, that nice girl that was writing about autism and RDI and her adorable son?
I'm here! But I'm swamped! Problems at work (an occassional part time job that has suddenly been launched into something a lot less occassional) combined with the usual business of living on a farm this time of year, wrapped up in a double case of chicken pox (my kids, not me, thank goodness!), have thwarted my efforts to sit down to the computer for more than a breif glimpse of my email every once in a while. Add to that an obsession with our new homeschooling curriculum ( ), which I will write about on my other blog (which has been ignored even more significantly than this one!) at some point(and probably here too, as it's so nicely compatible with RDI), continuing my obsession about OT and Sensory Integration Therapy, and actually DOING homeschooling and SIT and raising my kids, I'm lucky I'm finding time to breath at the moment.
But I'll get back to blogging, I promise! The winter -- the long, cold, snowy, icy winter -- is coming, and I'll be posting so often that you'll have trouble keeping up with me.
Thanks so much to those of you who have sent messages of support -- it's surprisingly nice to know I'm missed!