Tuesday, August 08, 2006

home from Denver, back to blogging!

This interuption in my history lesson is courtesy of the First Annual RDI Parent's Conference, which was held in Denver over the past weekend. Two days of travel (one out and one back), three days of conference, and four nights of socializing with parents who are traveling the same road as us, have wiped me out. But I'm confident that a night's sleep will be rejuvinating and I'll be back to typing like mad at some point tomorrow. Now if I could just get off this computer and get to bed....

This photo is a recent one, taken at the same family reunion (but 2 years later) as where I first heard about RDI. I thought it was appropriate to post this photo at this time. Two years has made a world of difference for our whole family, thanks to RDI and Dr. Steve Gutstein's commitment to helping us parents help our children with Autism. I don't think I fully understood the depth of that commitment until this weekend. I am overwhelmed by his willingness to give so much of himself for something that only really benefits others. It certainly goes well beyond any business advantage for him. I am awed and deeply moved and eternally grateful. Posted by Picasa


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