one bad night

I called The Map Man over. He convinced me not to panic, though I was finding it hard to breath. He suggested that it's just an internet test, it doesn't neccessarily mean anything. I flipped off the monitor and we went back to a project building dog kennels. Still running through my head was the question about pronoun reversal. I asked The Map Man "have you ever heard Jacob use a pronoun?" We were both watching him out of the corner of our eyes, as he contentedly opened a door to a kennel, stepped inside, shut the door, opened the door, stepped outside, shut the door, and repeated continously as we worked. The Map Man took a long time to answer, but said no, he'd never heard him use one.
After the kennel building was done and The Map Man and kids were asleep, I returned to the computer. I hunted down several other on-line Autism screening tools and took the tests. They all returned the same result -- probable moderate autism. I flicked off the computer and went to bed, pulled the covers over my head, and tried to disappear.

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